Title: Variable Radius (type specimen)
Subtitle: A Pocket English–French–Polish Dictionary of circle related proverbs
Format: 23cm x 12,5cm
Graphic design and concept: Radek Łukasiewicz, Marian Misiak (support Maria Jarzyna, Patrycja Wójcik)
Radius font designed by: Radek Łukasiewicz
Fonts used: Radius, Di Grotesk
Dictionary texts + translations: Geneviève Cugnart, Radek Łukasiewicz
Photography: threedotstype
Papers: Fluo Poster (various colours), Munken Print White 100g
Print: Szaransky Print Company, RH+ www.szaransky.biz, www.rh.plus
ISBN 978—83–954954—4—1
Pages: 64
Publisher: threedotstype.com
Variable Radius. A Pocket English–French–Polish Dictionary of circle related proverbs
We couldn't resist sharing our grand passion for swirls, circles and their multiple meanings in culture. That's how the idea was conceived, and the Radius specimen received educational function. It became a typeface showcase and an English-Polish-French pocket dictionary of circle-related proverbs. In addition, this candy-bomb-looking booklet is a true celebration of printed matter, questioning the role and function of a printed specimen in the digital era. Its 64 pages have been published on high-quality white and fluorescent papers.
RADIUS is a typeface allowing subtle adjustment in the anatomy of the characters. The full potential of this variable feature appears while typesetting on round shapes. It makes the most of the possibilities created by variable font technology and comfortably sits on a conventional baseline. However, it best proves its flexibility when its three axes are used. The characters morph into a surprising array of contours by adjusting the top, bottom, and width parameters.
Variable Radius. A Pocket English–French–Polish Dictionary of circle related proverbs
We couldn't resist sharing our grand passion for swirls, circles and their multiple meanings in culture. That's how the idea was conceived, and the Radius specimen received educational function. It became a typeface showcase and an English-Polish-French pocket dictionary of circle-related proverbs. In addition, this candy-bomb-looking booklet is a true celebration of printed matter, questioning the role and function of a printed specimen in the digital era. Its 64 pages have been published on high-quality white and fluorescent papers.
RADIUS is a typeface allowing subtle adjustment in the anatomy of the characters. The full potential of this variable feature appears while typesetting on round shapes. It makes the most of the possibilities created by variable font technology and comfortably sits on a conventional baseline. However, it best proves its flexibility when its three axes are used. The characters morph into a surprising array of contours by adjusting the top, bottom, and width parameters.